Regulatory audit

Cinalia supports you in identifying the regulations and standards necessary for your business and context, assessing your current level of compliance, and providing you with the keys to deploy a compliance management system that is conducive to the development of your business.


Objectives of regulatory audit

Standards and regulations surrounding cybersecurity and data protection proliferate and evolve regularly. Need clarity on them ?

In the face of the increasing number of regulations and standards, Cinalia’s legal and compliance experts in cybersecurity are here to support you. We can help you identify the ones that are necessary for your business and context, assess your current level of compliance, and provide you with the necessary guidance to implement a compliance management system that promotes the growth of your business.

Image illustrant l'objectif d'un audit reglementaire

Nossas auditorias abrangem todas as normas que regulam a proteção de dados, cibersegurança e uso de tecnologias digitais, tais como:

  • Proteção de dados (RGPD, Data Governance Act, Data Act, Regulamento ePrivacy, …)
  • Cibersegurança (HDS, EHDS, NIS 1 & 2, Cybersecurity Act, Cyber Resilience Act, etc.)
  • Uso de tecnologias digitais (Digital Service Act, Digital Market Act, eIDAS 1 & 2, etc.)


Following the audit conducted by Cinalia, you will have a comprehensive understanding of your legal framework, enabling you to make informed decisions and achieve compliance with the applicable regulations.

Our complementary services in compliance and risk management

Discover the other risk management and compliance services offered by Cinalia.

Compliance audit

  • Quais medidas sua empresa deve adotar para estar em conformidade com um referencial específico (lei, regulamento, norma ISO, etc.)?


Risk analysis

  • Quais são os riscos aos quais sua empresa está exposta? Quais medidas devem ser adotadas para reduzir esses riscos?


Compliance implementation

  • Como definir e implementar una conformidade eficaz, aceita por todos e adequada à sua estratégia global?


Outsourced Data Protection Officer

  • Falta expertise interna para sua conformidade com o RGPD?


Compliance trainings

  • Deseja se capacitar ou capacitar sua equipe nas normas de segurança mais rigorosas em segurança cibernética e proteção de dados?


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